Live contextΒΆ

this mixin add a functionality to declare live context section, this section will render automatically live from the server

from easy_rest.mixins import TemplateContextFetcherMixin
from django.views import generic

class ActiveTemplate(TemplateContextFetcherMixin, generic.TemplateView):
    template_name = 'app/live_ctx_demo.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        return {"time": str(, "random_int": randint(0, 100)}
    {% load easy_rest %}
        {% load_rest_scripts %}
        {% livecontext %}
           <h1>Live time from server {time}</h1>

           <h1>Random int from server {random_int}</h1>

        {% endlivecontext %}

If you want your context from another view (live context tag takes a url)

    {% load easy_rest %}
        {% load_rest_scripts %}
        {% livecontext "/url/to/other/template_view" %}
           <h1>Live time from server {time}</h1>

           <h1>Random int from server {random_int}</h1>

        {% endlivecontext %}